小巧於 2009 年在《超級巨聲》取得六強成績,並被唱作人藍奕邦及監製趙增熹高度評價為「很有感染力的聲音」。2014 年,小巧闖進《中國好聲音》第三季 的擂台,獲得導師楊坤及齊秦的轉身,最後成為楊坤組的學員,並於同年參與演出《中國好聲音演唱會香港站》。
2015 年,小巧決定踏出下一步與Frenzi Music合作,並透過純粹的音樂呈現觀眾從未認識的鄧小巧,繼續發掘她從未被真正聆聽的一把好聲音。2015 年尾推出單曲《雅俗》,節奏明快呈現她真正率直敢愛的一面,獲各大平台好評。
2016年6月加盟寰亞唱片,12月推出首張個人EP《The Strength of Weakness》,被樂評人及聽眾一致推崇,在各大媒體頒獎禮獲頒最佳新人獎殊榮。2018年2月推出第二張EP《Inner Voice》,繼續獲得樂迷及樂評人的支持。2018年10月,更聯乘香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學院開辦了《Inner Strength》音樂會。
Tang Siu Hau
Tang Siu Hau, the name may be known since she had attended the TV Broadcast singing Competition--“The Voice”, where she made it to the Top 6 and received high compliments from famous singer- songwriter- Nan Yik Pong and Song Producer- Chiu Tsang Hei. She had performed in TV Broadcast shows over 5 years and performed in the biggest concert stadium in HK, however her official music path had not started yet. In 2014, she stepped on the stage of “The Voice of China”, she was selected as one of the student of a famous Singer- songwriter Yang Kun all over mainland China, and as the main performing casts in The Voice of China (HK) Concert.
At the end of 2015, Siu Hau has stepped forward and started her cooperation with Frenzi Music, showing audience a new image of Siu Hau with her excellent voice and music. In 2016, her first album - “The Strength of Weakness”. Siu Hau’s latest EP ”Inner Voice” has be released in 2018 and have gained lots of great comments from different platforms. In Oct of 2018, Siu Hau collaborated with The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and held a concert 《Inner Strength》with the School of Theatre & Entertainment Arts.

Inner Voice - EP
01. 兩溝
02. 心靈作家
03. 可惜你是個人
04. 將沙拋給一片海
05. 和好

The Strength of Weakness - EP
01. 雅俗
02. 煩可寧
03. 荒唐
04. 強弱
05. 不藥而癒

鄧小巧 Tang Siu Hau - 芭樂 (之石頭芭樂Rock Ballad)

鄧小巧 Tang Siu Hau - 芭樂 (之石頭芭樂Rock Ballad)

鄧小巧 Tang Siu Hau - 芭樂 (Official MV)

鄧小巧 Tang Siu Hau - 和好 (Official Music Video)